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Course Feature

Core Python

  • Duration 1 Months
  • Class Timings 1.5 hour a day, 5 days a week
  • Eligibility

Core Python

Core Python

Course Feature

Python with Django

  • Duration 2 Months
  • Class Timings 1 hour
  • Eligibility Basic C

Advance Certification in Python

DAAC provides  Python training in jaipur, DAAC have industries best trainer who provides training to student in professional manner according to industry requirements.
Python Scripting is one of the easy languages to learn and is widely used from individuals to big organizations such as Google. This Python training starts with the basic syntax of Python and continues to small GUI programs. You will learn Python data types such as Tuples and Dictionaries, Looping, Functions and I/O handling. Python training will also give you an overview of Object Oriented Programming and Graphical application development. Python Scripting course will explain some basics modules and their usage. At the end of the Python Scripting Training, individuals will have the skills to grow in Web-Development, GUI Application Programming, Game Development and writing powerful scripts for System Administration.


Module - I

Introduction to Python

  • Python Language Fundamentals
  • Python Implementation Alternatives/Flavors
  • Keywords
  • Identifiers
  • Constants / Literals
  • Data types
  • Python VS JAVA
  • Python Syntax
Minor Exam and Project

Module - II

Different Modes of Python

  • Interactive Mode
  • Scripting Mode
  • Programming Elements
  • Structure of Python program
  • First Python Application
  • Comments in Python
  • Python file extensions
  • Setting Path in Windows
  • Edit and Run python program without IDE
  • Edit and Run python program using IDEs
  • Programmers View of Interpreter
  • What is Byte Code in PYTHON?
  • Python Debugger
Minor Exam and Project

Module - III


  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Python Assignment Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Shift operators
  • Membership Operators
  • Identity Operators
  • Ternary Operator
  • Operator precedence
  • Difference between “is” vs “==”
Minor Exam and Project

Module - IV

Input & Output Operators

  • Print
  • Input
  • Command-line arguments
Minor Exam and Project

Module - V

Control Statements

  • Conditional control statements
  • If
  • If-else
  • If-elif-else
  • Nested-if
  • Loop control statements
  • for
  • while
  • Nested loops
  • Branching statements
  • Break
  • Continue
  • Pass
  • Return
  • Case studies
Minor Exam and Project

Module - VI

Data Structures or Collections

  • Introduction
  • Importance of Data structures
  • Applications of Data structures
  • Types of Collections
  • Sequence
  • Strings, List, Tuple, range
  • Non sequence
  • Set, Frozen set, Dictionary
  • Strings
  • What is string
  • Representation of Strings
  • Processing elements using indexing
  • Processing elements using Iterators
  • String operators
  • Methods of String object
  • String Formatting
  • String functions
  • String Immutability
  • Case studies
  • Manipulation of String using Indexing and Slicing
Minor Exam and Project

Module - VII

List Collection

  • What is List
  • Need of List collection
  • Different ways of creating List
  • List comprehension
  • List indices
  • List object methods
  • List is Mutable
  • Mutable and Immutable elements of List
  • Nested Lists
  • List_of_lists
  • Hardcopy, shallowCopy and DeepCopy
  • zip() in Python
  • How to unzip?
  • Python Arrays
  • Case studies
  • Processing elements of List through Indexing and Slicing
Minor Exam and Project

Module - VIII

Tuple Collection

  • What is tuple?
  • Different ways of creating Tuple
  • Method of Tuple object
  • Tuple is Immutable
  • Mutable and Immutable elements of Tuple
  • Process tuple through Indexing and Slicing
  • List v/s Tuple
  • Case studies
Minor Exam and Project

Module - IX

Set Collection

  • What is set?
  • Different ways of creating set
  • Difference between list and set
  • Iteration Over Sets
  • Accessing elements of set
  • Python Set Methods
  • Python Set Operations
  • Union of sets
  • functions and methods of set
  • Python Frozen set
  • Difference between set and frozenset ?
  • Case study
Minor Exam and Project

Module - X

Dictionary Collection

  • What is dictionary?
  • Difference between list, set and dictionary
  • How to create a dictionary?
  • Accessing values of dictionary
  • Python Dictionary Methods
  • Copying dictionary
  • Updating Dictionary
  • Reading keys from Dictionary
  • Reading values from Dictionary
  • Reading items from Dictionary
  • Delete Keys from the dictionary
  • Sorting the Dictionary
  • Python Dictionary Functions and methods
  • Dictionary comprehension
Minor Exam and Project

Module - XI


  • What is Function?
  • Advantages of functions
  • Syntax and Writing function
  • Calling or Invoking function

Module - XII

Python argument type functions

  • Nested functions
  • Non local variables, global variables
  • Closures
  • Decorators
  • Generators
  • Iterators
  • Monkey patching
Minor Exam and Project

Module - XIII

Python Modules

  • Importance of modular programming
  • What is module
  • User defined modules creation
  • Functions based modules
  • Class based modules
  • Connecting modules
  • Import module
  • From … import
  • Module alias / Renaming module
  • Built In properties of module
  • Types of Modules – Pre defined, User defined
Minor Exam and Project

Module - XIV


  • Organizing python project into packages
  • Package v/s Folder
  • py file
  • Importing package
  • PIP
  • Introduction to PIP
  • Installing PIP
  • Installing Python packages
  • Un installing Python packages
  • Types of packages – pre defined, user defined
Minor Exam and Project

Module - XV


  • Procedural v/s Object oriented programming
  • Principles of OOP – Encapsulation , Abstraction (Data Hiding)
  • Classes and Objects
  • How to define class in python
  • Types of variables – instance variables, class variables.
  • Types of methods – instance methods, class method, static method
  • Object initialization
  • Overloading
  • Operator Overloading
Minor Exam and Project

Module - XVI

Regular expressions

  • Understanding regular expressions
  • String v/s Regular expression string
  • “re” module functions
  • Match()
  • Search()
  • Split()
  • Findall()
  • Compile()
  • Sub()
  • Subn()
  • Expressions using operators and symbols
  • Simple character matches
  • Special characters
  • Character classes
  • Mobile number extraction
  • Mail extraction
  • Different Mail ID patterns
  • Data extraction
  • Password extraction
  • URL extraction
  • Vehicle number extraction
  • Case study
Minor Exam and Project

Module - XVII

File &Directory handling

  • Introduction to files
  • Opening file
  • File modes
  • Reading data from file
  • Writing data into file
  • Appending data into file
  • Line count in File
  • CSV module
  • Creating CSV file
  • Reading from CSV file
  • Writing into CSV file
  • Object serialization – pickle module
  • XML parsing
  • JSON parsing
Minor Exam and Project

Module - XVIII

Exception Handling & Types of Errors

  • What is Exception?
  • Why exception handling?
  • Syntax error v/s Runtime error
  • Finally block
  • Case studies
  • Exception codes – AttributeError, ValueError, IndexError, TypeError
Minor Exam and Project

Module - XIX

Python Logging

  • Logging Levels
  • implement Logging
  • Configure Log File in over writing Mode
  • Timestamp in the Log Messages
  • Python Program Exceptions to the Log File
  • Features of Customized Logger
  • Requirement of Our Own Customized Logger
Minor Exam and Project

Module - XX

Date & Time module

  • How to use Date & Date Time class
  • How to use Time Delta object
  • Formatting Date and Time
  • Calendar module
  • Text calendar
  • HTML calendar
Minor Exam and Project

Module - XXI

OS module

  • Shell script commands
  • Various OS operations in Python
  • Python file system shell methods
  • Creating files and directories
  • Removing files and directories
  • Shutdown and Restart system
  • Renaming files and directories
  • Executing system commands
Minor Exam and Project

Module - XXII

Multi-threading & Multi Processing

  • Introduction
  • Multi tasking v/s Multi threading
  • Threading module
  • Life cycle of thread
  • Single threaded application
  • Multi threaded application
  • Can we call run() directly?
  • Need to start() method
  • Sleep()
  • Creating thread – inheriting Thread class , Using callable object
  • Join()
  • Case studies
  • Synchronization – Lock class – acquire(), release() functions
Minor Exam and Project

Module - XXIII

Python Data Base Communications(PDBC)

  • Introduction to DBMS applications
  • File system v/s DBMS
  • Communicating with MySQL
  • Python – MySQL connector
  • connector module
  • connect() method
  • Oracle Database
  • Static queries v/s Dynamic queries
  • Transaction management
  • Case studies
Minor Exam and Project

Module - XXIV

Garbage collection

  • Introduction
  • ‘gc’ module
  • Collect() method
  • Threshold function
  • Case studies
  • Importance of Manual garbage collection
  • Self reference objects garbage collection
Minor Exam and Project


Python with Django

  • Introduction to Django
  • Django Web Framework
  • What is a Framework
  • Introduction to Django
  • Django – Design Philosophies
  • History of Django
  • Why django and Features
  • Environment setup
  • Web Server
  • MVC Pattern
  • Getting Started with Django
  • Create an Application
  • Django – Admin Interface
  • Views Layer
  • Django – URL Mapping
  • Django Template Language (DTL)
  • Django – Models
  • Django – Form Processing
  • Django – Cookies Handling
  • Django Admin
  • Static files
  • Sample Projects and Websites
Major Exam and Project

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